P4C Workshop with Grundtvig

P4C Workshop with Grundtvig
In collaboration with Ingrid Ank, head of Grundtvigsk Forum, and Dr. Özge Özdemir, Danish Cultural Institute Türkiye held a workshop about Grundtvig’s philosophy and the P4C method at Salt Galata in Istanbul.
Ingrid Ank held a presentation about Grundtvig and his ideas about philosophy, pedagogy, critical thinking, democracy etc. Ank introduced the “people’s high school” as an example on all these ideas and how they have been implemented as an important part of the Danish society. This resulted in discussions about exam free learning, destabilizing hierarchy, power, and living together, both on an everyday level and in a more global sense where the topic of nationalism was brought into question.
Afterwards Dr. Özge Özdemir facilitated a workshop based on the previously discussed topics. The participants were divided into groups and had to discuss one of the topics from the first part and develop a game for children based on the P4C method. This resulted in various creative ideas with different perspectives and approaches.
The participants enhanced their knowledge within the philosophical field and was introduced to Grundvig who is an important figure in Danish history and cultural legacy. Through the workshop participants practiced their critical thinking and developed their skills further which they can use in their own teaching and workshops with children. This makes the event even more enriching as the outcome will reach a much broader range of people than the 25 participants that were attending the event.
Thanks to all participants for participating and sharing your thoughts, and thanks to Ingrid Ank and Özge Özdemir as well as Salt Galata for hosting us.